Hello, and welcome to the infrequent Chroma founder newsletter. If you’re new here, you might be interested in taking a look at our archives as I often dive into product concepts and technical details to a far greater degree than what we have on the website, or whatever the standard email drip marketing thing is, lol.
This is the unoptimized newsletter where I simply share whatever I want. I used to work on making new materials and manufacturing processes that are on the roadmap for some of the world’s most advanced weapons systems, and this has paid the bills since then since a bank will not print a fiat loan against “well, if you talk to the right people in the Pentagon (and I no longer even know who), they can give you a sense of just how much money will be going to that company as certain programs I don’t know about ramp up…” It looks like I’m finally going to be getting back into interesting stuff in aerospace & defense after being out for 6 years, but we’re gonna keep doing this Chroma thing as it’s finally picking up enough steam to be interesting in its own right.
We have been growing at breakneck speed as more people realize we make the best stuff, and need to go beyond 1.5 people to really manage the growth effectively. These are the two roles we envision, but if you are interested in helping in a different capacity, please feel free to suggest your own job description. Email matt [at] getchroma.co if you are interested. If you refer us to someone we hire full time, we will give you $1,500 in Chroma store credit. If you refer us to someone we hire part time, we will give you $300 in Chroma store credit. Both of these positions can have cash compensation based on qualifications, or part of compensation based on sales.
Startup Operations Generalist (actual title tbd):
Can get stuff done across a wide range of tasks, without necessarily having a team of people available for each subtasks.
Support supply chain, communicate with manufactures, help resolve issues in design or production. Utilize software and finance tools to accurately forecast demand and sure we maintain correct inventory levels.
Product management: support the development of novel designs, understand the user experience, and how to communicate product capabilities to users, including websites and other brand digital assets. Work effectively with contractors.
Support internal business operations, including building or utilizing software tools that allow us to make better decisions based on quantitative data. Knowledge of finance/accounting also useful.
Take initiative and be self-directed rather than expecting someone else to manage your work — be willing to have meta-cognition about what needs to get done.
Biz Dev & B2B Sales Director (actual title tbd):
Sell Chroma devices to corporations, employee wellness and performance
Establish partnerships with high value tastemakers and real influencers, not just random instagram/youtube generic fitness influencers or models
Build brand awareness and support PR efforts, including collaborate with ordained university researchers to have studies done with our products
Engage with DoD, write & win proposals, and manage those programs
Engage with nations states e.g. tell Japan & South Korea that we may be able to help fix their ultra-low-fertility problems
Expand sales channels beyond DTC e.g. integrating into schools and hospitals in El Salvador.
Expand beyond DTC for food/oils e.g. breaking into restaurant industry and managing distribution
Coming up with and executing on non-obvious growth opportunities.
Our monstrous 2025 Product Roadmap:
Chroma Ironforge Pro device: We figured out how to double the power of the Ironforge with some thermal & materials tweaks!
Chroma “IronLaser” device (actual name TBD)… you might not want to hold out on this if comparing to the Ironforge Pro, it will be in the $6-10k range.
Chroma “Sky Lamp” (actual name TBD): an entirely new approach to solve the indoor illumination problem once and for all, our first illumination device.
Chroma Nightshades 2.0 Launch: it was actually a request from the President of El Salvador, Nayib Bukele, relayed to us from one of his brothers, that inspired us to get this done.
Chroma “Beautyforge” (actual name TBD): Sort of like a mini-Ironforge, but red focused — this will blow away every facemask on the market
Ironforge, D-Light, and Lux Vital mini devices: lower-cost, more portable, but still far more powerful than our flashlight, which is also coming back
Chroma Trinity: Ironforge + D-Light + Lux Vital 3 in 1 — everyone keeps asking us which one to get so we are making it easier to not have too choose
Chroma Trinity Ultimate: Ironforge + D-Light + Lux Vital 3 in 1, but bigger
Chroma Basic Bitch Bundle: People really want low cost products that look the same as everything else rather than purpose-built devices, so we are going to throw a bunch of those together and get them to you at a great price, and we’ll have a face mask in the bundle to. It will probably be under $500 and it will be perfect for recommending to friends.
Promethean Portal Refinement: even more power, and adding enclosure
LoLa Oil Macadamia + Coconut Oil Blend: new brand with oil product that is at a minimum, a much better option than avocado oil
LoLa Oil Olive Oils: we will also have select varieties of olive oils that have particularly low levels of linoleic acid, the thing that makes seed oils harmful
Chipiros Potato and Tortilla Chips: we will use coconut oil instead of beef tallow to have a healthier chip option than avocado or seed oil chips, while being able to offer less extravagant pricing because we actually want to eventually solve this problem in its totality, not just serve the top 1% of the 1%.
As these products are released, I will be writing newsletter posts explaining the thinking behind them, as well as sharing info on our Twitter as well as on our Instagram. This product list is a good reminder that when you buy red light therapy devices from anyone else, it achieves nothing beyond getting you that product in that moment. When you buy from Chroma, you are getting the product, and also shifting the world toward one that you might find is more to your liking. If enough people thought about things like this, we might find the world is in fact ductile.
Our 2025 Business/Strategy Roadmap:
Expand team
Improving creative media generation pace: we have a lot of products, with a lot of use cases, and we want to make sure people better understand how to get the most out of the hardware
Grow clinic sales, including sports teams: we make the best stuff, and we are going to be making more of a push to get it to the best people and those who are working on services that can support the highest performance machines
Grow enterprise sales for high value organizations: every human is more valuable when they are healthier, so we are going to get Chroma products into every company that is serious about the performance of their employees
Begin sales into the defense industry: the DoD is in dire need of Chroma devices and to explore to what extent this may be able to help with concussion and traumatic brain injuries. Preliminary Air Force and Pentagon conversations indicate there is demand, but we do not have the bandwidth to go after these high touch customers. Moreover, it would be great if we could help reduce PTSD and veteran suicides. We extend a 30% discount to all US veterans as is, just send us an email.
Establish higher tier partnerships: we love all the health and fitness enthusiasts, but we need to massively level up the conversation. Big pharma and other power players own the entire conversation now. Andrew Huberman for instance is totally pwned by the establishment and now shills glasses that block green, but let in blue light. I was close to a decade ahead of him — he should be embarrassed, but he isn’t, because the entire world gives him a pass and does not enforce standards. Beyond simply brand partnerships or endorsements, we must raise the level of our hardware to the point it strains ones credibility to not endorse us even without affiliation. …but that’s slow, so we need to give it a bit of a nudge.
Becoming established in fertility: women have been reaching out to us about fertility, not just due to the Purple Wand, but using the Ironforge externally under the premise that it is so powerful, it is able to reach the ovaries. It certainly is better than other red lights available to reach organs and this requirement is part of why we are now working on a laser device. Fertility rates are collapsing across the West, as well as other developed countries such as Japan and South Korea. We won’t solve the fertility issue even if this has a transformational impact, but maybe we can make a small dent.
Becoming established in brain focused red light: with a laser product, we can look more into what is possible with the brain. If researchers have access to capabilities in excess of 6-figure priced legacy medical equipment for 4-figures, I think they’ll come up with some interesting observations.
Becoming established in heart and lung focused red light: there was a study showing that near infrared light of a similar amount and intensity as what an Ironforge delivers basically cured a severe case of COVID — it would be interesting to see what is possible, especially with a laser device for lungs, and also when there is cardiovascular damage as now incredibly widespread with the harmful “vaccine” MRNa treatments that much of the world was coerced into taking.
Making devices available to oncological researchers: we are adding 1270nm light to our laser device, which should have some interest effects, but the cancer treatments that are really interesting rely on a photosensitive dye that is inhaled, injected, or ingested into the body. It would be great if someone actually started researching how to treat/cure cancers with the trivial hardware that exists in the world. Of course, it would be highly illegal to have anything too effective because it would be too cheap compared to the drug monopolies that rely on murdering competition (this is what “intellectual property” is btw, it is a nonsensical justification for violent theft and murder, which regulation in general is). Perhaps someone will figure out how to offer services in El Salvador instead of there is something there, but I wouldn’t count on it.
If you really want things to be different, all you can do is buy and hold bitcoin. If you want to buy something from our store feel free to do so, but for every dollar you spend with us, but at least $5 of bitcoin too.
Any thoughts of a handheld laser device in the future?
I have been an affiliate for you for a few months and I am a real scientist with an audience and an educator. I would like to work more with you, I just haven't reached out yet as I wanted to master my chroma D and then move on to the sky lights.