#12 Chroma Relaunched Today
Nearly everything’s back!
Sky Portals
Carbonshade glasses
Near-IR Flashlights
Ironforge 2.0 (new version, limited supply)
D-Light 2.0 (new version, limited supply)
Other deets in this thread 👇

Five and a half years ago I was looking at how I could improve my performance as a recreational endurance athlete.
That was when I launched my first consumer company, Carbonshade, where I invented the first good-looking, dark lens blue blockers to improve my sleep.
Thread 0/21

1/21 Starting from a simple product that has sold across >60 countries and spurred numerous copycats that cumulatively have changed the lives of well over 100,000 people thanks to my insight, I realized my work in mitigating the harms of fiat environment was not done.

2/21 While I had figured out how to restore artificial darkness without having to eschew the great benefits brought to us by indoor lighting and devices for communication or entertainment, I had not restored sunlight in a way that preserved the the benefit of human buildings.

3/21 Naturally, I started with the direct opposite of evening blue-blocking, which is daytime emission of cyan, sky blue light. Surprisingly, nothing like this had ever been built -- there were products that emulated the *form*, but not the intensity.

4/21 When I had A2 pulley injuries from rock climbing, I discovered that near-infrared light was a promising approach, but there was not a single product that was a good value, or that could generate a high concentration of power, so I built my own.

5/21 Though the ultra bright "DIY SAD lamp" is a common rabbit-hole for nerdy people to go down, near-infrared light is far less well known, owing to the fact that most of the thousands of research papers on the subject are from the past 5-10 years.

6/21 Of course, the first thing people think of with sunlight is UV for vitamin D. Never imagined we would have a product in this category as a tiny company, but when I learned about what was possible with narrowband UVB LEDs, I just had to have it.

7/21 The foundation of solving for human health really is that simple. We have been conditioned to believe the level of disease we have in society is somehow normal.
Everyone knows "advances in medicine" have paled in comparison to skyrocketing obesity, diabetes cancer, etc.

8/21 Frankly, if you are a human, you should be embarrassed for your species given the triviality of implementing these solutions and their low costs with respect to the energy production capacity our species commands. Toothbrush-level tech, and barely anyone uses it.

9/21 So how did we get here? Well, fiat, what else?
There is no conspiracy, fiat just makes people ret@rded.
Bitcoin naturally fixes this because it allows information to percolate. We know few will ever see this thread in this fiat world we live in.

Michael Chapiro, Esq., GMI, GFY @mchapiro

10/21 Every bitcoiner eventually comes to similar conclusions as I have because these are not products that are generated from opinion, trend, or mimetics. Instead they arise from fundamental physics, just as the wheel was always going to be a circle rather than any other shape.

11/21 You might disagree with this thread. You might have a "gotcha'" for me even if you are a Bitcoiner, but perhaps you can recognize this is as foolish as a nocoiner's "gotcha" zingers.
You cling to the world, to society in your own way. I do too. It is inescapable.

12/21 Anyone who is sincere and searches for truth will find what I have.
Most of the core details are in my newsletter, and you may complain it is poorly organized, but the information would be even more disorganized if the newsletter did not exist!

13/21 If you don't get it or don't understand it, I don't have time to provide further explanations.
Save for few months, these thing have always been side projects since the Air Force, Missile Defense Agency, etc. keep deciding my talents are better applied elsewhere.

14/21 In fact, @getchroma, would not even exist today if a customer didn't reach out to keep it going with minimal involvement on my end in exchange for receiving product. 🙏
Today it is relaunched and only accepts Bitcoin.

Click on a tweet to see the rest of the thread on Twitter since we can’t fit the entire thing in this email, or